Many years ago, when I first started intensively meditating, I had a vivid dream I can still remember clearly today. It was animated, but for the sake of illustration, I have drawn the essence of the dream here.
My experience over the 15 years of meditation, and now experiencing my own ‘awakening’ has given me insight to the following. These by all means are no new concepts, but I hope I can simplify them and add a practical, present-day spin, so that anyone reading, spiritual or not, can resonate, practice awareness and begin to experience it for themselves.
Every human has energy within them, differing in the degree or frequency: At some point we have all said something along the lines of “I get good/bad vibes from that person”, or “that person drains me”. What do you think you are subconsciously referring to? Is it such a stretch of the imagination to conceive such an idea? I mean, we eat to gain energy from our food. We absorb energy from the sun’s rays. We need intake of energy to function and survive. Just because we can’t see or touch it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We can’t touch the sun’s powerful rays but we can feel them. So if we absorb and use energy, we ARE energy and thus expel energy. One such form of expelled energy from our body, is heat. Heat can not be seen by the unassisted human eye, but we can definitely feel it. We can feel each other’s other form of energy. And we can feel our own.
Other labels/names: for this energy have included auras, halos, energy field, frequency and light.
We share, we take and we give energy to each other: A group of people that mutually ‘share’ energy can build on each other’s energy leaving everyone feeling refreshed, energised, revitalised and radiant! A group of negative energy will in reverse, leave participants feeling drained, lack-lustre and unhappy.
A person ‘overpowering’ another person, will walk away feeling triumphant, full of energy and confidence. The latter party, deflated, uncertain and drained. A mother voluntarily offers her energy to her child through comfort and reassurance. The child feels its mother’s love. A bully will ‘steal’ energy from its victims. A friend will share his/her energy with an unwell or lack-lustre friend, but might find themselves feeling ‘drained’ afterwards. In doing so, his/her friend will feel ‘better’. If we aren’t achieving ‘enough’ energy through eating, sleeping, exercising, we need to find it from other sources – usually, another person.
Positive energy attracts positive. Negative energy usually repels positive but attracts more negative: Law of Attraction.
Why is understanding our energy so important?
We ARE our energy. It IS our health. Understanding our energy helps us understand the state of our well-being. Understanding energy and how we strengthen and weaken our energy makes us be aware of healthy habits and bad habits, allows us to recognise energy of other people and allows us to understand how we can "change our energy and change our lives" (Belinda Davidson is my go-to inspiration and teacher of energy)
There is another Source, an infinite and most replenishing source of energy: And it can be 'tapped' into, through presence. Through mindfulness meditation. Or any practice of stillness or presence (Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now is my in-depth go-to for understanding the importance of Presence).
A person who learns to receive this Source, is sustained. They feel truly rejuvenated and replenished each time they open to this Source. They can share their abundant new found energy freely to those around them without ‘losing’ too much themselves. They need less energy from other sources to sustain themselves. They are no longer affected by low-energy people. They are more ‘in-tune’ with energy around them. In spiritual masters and teachers, this energy is continuously overflowing and it radiates all around them, so much so, that even people that are usually ‘numb’ to it, can feel it. And drawn to it.
When we die, our energy returns back to this Source: Ever heard the phrase, “The ‘light’ behind our eyes, go out” when someone dies? Our energy does leave, but it doesn’t go out or extinguish. It returns back to the Source.
This Source goes by many ‘names’. Please do not get hung up on these names as many of it is saturated in deep hurt, resentment, misunderstanding, pain and social conditioning. They are also trying to describe the magnificence, the wonder, the essence, the complexities, the vastness, the depth of the Universe in all its glory, packed into a word. Again, a word that most likely mankind has grossly distorted.
This energy is inter-connected with all matter, also referred to as the One-ness in ancient teachings. I try to shed some light onto this point in the One-ness Tree.
This energy is a healing and nournishing by-product of our journey, but should not be a distraction from the ‘destination’ itself. Don't get me wrong, this new energy is super cool and exciting when a practitioner begins to feel his/her energy growing. I was! Acknowledge it, enjoy and appreciate it. But don’t be distracted by it. It is not the ‘destination’ - Self realisation, awakening and sustaining our consciousness, our Inner-Being.
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