This analogy was shared with me by my first mentor. It was the simplest yet powerful present-day analogy that helped me comprehend this Truth. I was born into a Catholic family and had little to no insight into the Buddhist teachings of reincarnation. This new concept was such a contrast to the Catholic ideologies.
This analogy helped me, without reading and listening to vast and deep spiritual teachings, to understand the concept of Form (our hardware) and our Inner Being (our software).
Our hardware is our body. The Form that is created. For those reading who are Aware, the universe’s way of expressing itself, momentarily.
Our software is our ‘soul’, our ‘inner-being’, our ‘energy’, our ‘spark’, our ‘Higher Being’, our ‘One-ness’. No one label/word can truly capture the essence of what is our software. To Know it, you need to experience it for yourself.
Our software is ‘downloaded’ into our hardware from the Source when we are born onto this Earth. And is ‘uploaded’ back to the Source when we die. If you have read my first ‘blog’ on Beings of Light and Energy, I refer to this ‘uploading’ as our energy leaving our hardware and returning back to the Source. We are all from the same Source.
If we are all from the same Source, then are we essentially the same energy? Drumroll please, enter the Truth, that we are all One. There are many teachings on the One-ness that is Life. I am still learning about it in all its magnificence, so I won’t try and share my limited experience about it here.
So, if we are all One, then why is there so much ‘me’ vs ‘you’. ‘Us’ vs ‘Them’. ‘Allie’ vs ‘Enemy’ in the world? Exactly. It is madness. Insanity. Ludicrous. Because if we were all to come to Realization of who we Are, our suffering and division would dissipate. We would come back to the magnificence of Who we really are. We would see, feel and understand how things really are, not a smoke-screen (aka illusion) that has been created by the mind (aka Ego). This ‘Suffering’ is extensively taught in any Buddhist or Hindu teaching which you can delve further into.
So why is this important? Our hardware is temporary (aka impermanent). Don’t get attached to it. Our software, is eternal. Most humans in history, have lived their entire lives and not realised their software. No, going to Church and praying 10 x Hail Marys to save your sins is not realising your software. It's not just what you do, but more importantly, how you do it. Praying Hail Marys and feeling its essence will quieten the incessant mind-talk, and in doing so give you glimpse of your software. Praying Hail Marys, chanting OM, singing, listening to music, walking in nature, sitting silently in a Mosque or Synagogue, looking into the eyes of your dog, gardening, watching your child play with Autumn leaves, are all ways to quieten the mind.
Ways to be present, in the moment. Be in the Now. They are all stepping stones to Knowing your software, your soul, your Inner Being.
Knowing your Inner-Being, realising your Inner-Being, Awakening your Inner Being IS the ‘destination’ we’ve been talking about. And it is an ongoing practice, to stay in the present, to not let the ‘noise’ of the Ego and Emotion overwhelm and take over.
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